About me.

Self-defined contrarian, always going against the status quo.

As a native San Franciscan and first-generation American, I’ve always been inspired by the innovative spirit and diversity of my hometown. My Russian and Ukrainian roots have instilled in me a strong work ethic and a unique perspective that I bring to every endeavor.

I’m an unapologetic nonconformist, always challenging the status quo and exploring uncharted territories. My insatiable curiosity has led me down the path of biohacking, where I love experimenting with cutting-edge wellness techniques and concocting my own health-optimizing elixirs.

Notable Achievements
Yoela Palkin sitting in chair.

Notable Achievements.

Pioneering entrepreneur with a passion for contrarian thinking, health optimization, and game-changing ventures.

5x Startup Founder

With 3 Successful Exits

Helped Launch Mobile Applications

For 50+ Fortune 1000 Retailers

Youngest Global CTO

@ PE Fund

Guest Lecturer
@ UC Berkeley

Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship

Yoela Palkin at the beach at sunset.

Entrepreneurship is my true calling, and I thrive on the thrill of turning groundbreaking ideas into reality.

I’m constantly seeking out new opportunities to disrupt industries and create positive change in the world.

If you share my passion for pushing boundaries, optimizing health, or building game-changing businesses, I’d love to connect. Whether you’re looking for a speaker, advisor, or investment partner, feel free to reach out through my contact form. Let’s collaborate and make some magic!

Get to know me
Video Library

Get to know me.

Tune in for exclusive insights, strategies, and a flavor of my mindset. Have something to share? Let's chat.

77Labs: What We Do & How We're Different

How My Career Launched with the App Store

Always Want To Be The Dumbest In The Room

Why My Biggest Role Model is Oprah

Anti Social Media

Shutting Down Technology

Tikkun Olam as a Business Principle

What Being Raised In A Jewish Household Taught Me

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